Deep Flow - Firm Foundations. 110mins
CourseJoin Chris for an extended practice moving from the grounded and dense energy of kapha through to fluidity and fire of harmonised pitta.
Harnessing the Junctions of the Day. 50mins
CourseJoin Chris for a practice that helps shift the heaviness of kapha energy and move you into a bright and engaged energy for the day ahead
Every Morning We Begin Anew. 60mins
CourseJoin Lucy for a full length vinyasa practice that reminds you each morning can be something entirely different.
Intention/ Sankalpa? 40mins
CourseJoin Chris for a 40minute vinyasa practice exploring what it means to connect to intention and purpose through practice. Perfect first thing in the morning, or any point in your week when you feel like you need to tune back in to what matters most.
Activating Morning Pranayama. 20mins
CourseJoin Chris for a 3 part exploration of some activating and clearing morning pranayama practices, perfect for when you, or your energy is feel congested.
Guided Kapalabhati & Nadi Shodana. 25mins
CourseJoin Chris for a full guided foundational pranayama practice, blending the cleansing technique of kapalabhati with the balancing practice of Nadi shodana. Perfect to reset and refresh your energy.