Sama Vritti Flow. 55mins
CourseJoin Chris for a balancing practice that opens with guided pranayama before moving into an all over sequence to bring harmony to the bodies energies.
Dynamic Wring. 55mins
CourseJoin Chris for a dynamic and twisting morning practice.
Uncoil. 60mins
CourseJoin Chris for a dynamic practice that moves through twists and hip openers through standing balancing postures to uncoil the full capacity of the core.
Moment by Moment. 60mins
CourseJoin Lucy for a hips focused mandala style practice with lots of funky balances and transitions sure to keep your attention firmly in the present moment.
Stirring the Belly Fire. 45mins
CourseJoin Lucy for a 45 minute practice to steadily stir your belly fire.
Saturday Morning Flow. 60mins
CourseJoin Jeannie for the live replay of an open dynamic vinyasa practice, recorded on a Saturday morning in lockdown.